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Falling In Love

Extract From Don't Go Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly

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Falling in love is like falling asleep, it’s slow and gradual and then BAM, it’s all-encompassing.

But don’t get confused. Sex is not always Love and Love is not always Sex. They are not mutually exclusive but, if you are lucky and patient, both can be possible together for everyone. But in the singular, they are quite wonderful too.

I find it fascinating how women and their sex have been regarded through time. Particularly by men....

...Here’s the thing: Great sex can change your life. Between consenting adults, shame should not figure.

Throughout your adult life and your liaisons, some of which may be slightly less glamorous than others, you will get to know yourself intimately. You will get to recognise the real you, your real sexuality, but be prepared because this might change over time. And that’s OK. It’s all OK. Whatever you are, whoever you chose, one person or 10, it’s your choice and as long as you are happy with your choice in the moment, you have nothing to feel shameful of.

Great sex, orgasms, connection and self-love, are all some of the most com- plicated feelings we ever experience. Sexual actions have been routinely stigmatised, especially for women. Don’t, whatever you do, allow your own thoughts to bring you shame.

Have pride in your sexuality, however that looks for you.

And of course, love is love...

You can read more in #Don'tGoFaster...

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